Medical First Responder (Recertification)

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To register for specialized or group courses - please contact our training team at (306) 352-9114 ext.1 or

Call to Register (306) 352-9114 ext.1


This course covers comprehensive first aid and CPR skills for professional first responders or those training to become first responders.

Focusing on the patient assessment model, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hemorrhage control, and care for a variety of acute and chronic conditions.

Participants will be engaged in dynamic training techniques including video, media presentations, skills demonstrations, practice sessions, discussions and scenarios based on real-life situations.


3-year certification in First Responder
(digital certificate issued upon successful completion


$450.00 + GST/PST

Course Objectives

  • The Professional Responder
  • Responding to the call
  • Infection prevention and control
  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Assessment
  • Airway management and respiratory emergencies
  • Circulatory emergencies
  • Shock
  • Hemorrhage and soft tissue trauma
  • Musculoskeletal injuries
  • Chest, abdominal and pelvic injuries
  • Head and spinal injuries
  • Acute and chronic illnesses
  • Poisoning
  • Environmental illnesses
  • Pregnancy, labour and delivery
  • Special populations
  • Crisis intervention
  • Reaching, lifting and extricating patients
  • Multiple-casualty incidents

Includes any other content required by specific legislation


16 hours (2 days in class)